"AWAD Ticket" Limited Liability Company (hereinafter the "Operator"), 115114, city of Moscow, Derbenevskaya Embankment, 7, building 12, floor 2, is the authorized entity for personal data processing.
You hereby consent, of your own free will and volition and for your own benefit, to the Operator's processing of the personal data provided by you .
The Operator processes the personal data in order to:
The Operator processes your following personal data: surname, name, patronymic; sex; citizenship; contact phone number; e-mail; details of identification documents (number, date of issue, date of expiry, issuing authority); place of residence; payment card details (payment card number, CVC/CVV code, name and surname of the holder of the card, date of issue, date of expiry); content (commentaries left by the user on the website); other information the User voluntarily leaves on the website; IP-address and country of its registration; information from cookies; information about the browser (or other program which exercises access to ad impression); time of access; address of the page on which the ad unit is placed; referrer (address of the previous page); other data gathered by analytic counters of third-party organizations set up on the website in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
The Operator shall perform the following actions with the personal data provided: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, verification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (disclosure, provision, access), including cross-border data transfer to countries providing due protection of data subjects' rights, depersonification, access blocking, deletion or destruction, as well as any other actions provided for by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation in the cases set out below.
The Operator transfers the personal data provided to the following third parties:
You hereby also confirm that the personal data provided by you is full and true and can be used for the purposes of services promotion. You hereby consent to the fact that we will send electronic letters and (or) information messages to the e-mail indicated by you and (or) mobile phone number, including information messages and other information on promotional events conducted by us.
Your consent remains valid for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn at any moment by sending a written notification to the Operator to privacy@anywayanyday.com.
Last update: December 3, 2019.